
Ever since a long long time ago, everybody thought there was only one race in Daleth, divided into different people: Poorters, Naglani and Sudzi. They lived more or less together, had fertile marriages between eachother, and their children and grandchildren never showed any flaws.
Research of the Portals proved there had to be many different races; all human, but with some striking differences. It was expected that every race came from a different portal, or from a different world beyond the portal. Of course after living together for so many years, all kinds of “hybrids” were found. After a long study of the subject, the following races or people were found:

[New Poorters]


Poorters are the most common people in Daleth. They arrived in hordes through the portals around the year 469 AFO. They have many forms and colours, and many cultures they brought along. Now, they are considered “standard” and everyone who doesn’t want to be of another people (hybrids) considers him/herself a Poorter.

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New Poorters

The New Poorters arrived in Daleth only recently. There is not much to tell about them, because they were never studied. They disappeared soon, only a couple of them stayed.
They are taller and stronger than any other people, but get ill very soon from the Dalethian food and drinks, and from the air in some places.

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For long, the Naglani have been considered the only true aboriginals of Daleth. Their myths and legends however, tell tales of doors and other worlds. Through the eras, the Naglani lived close to Portals. This is enough proof for scientists to think the Naglani came from elsewhere.
Naglani can change into birds in some nights, and fly. The Naglaniwomen lay eggs. Naglani never eat eggs or birds of any kind. They kept this changing and egglaying long a secret, and still most Poorters think it is a myth.
Being isolated for a long time, the Naglani have their own culture, religion and language.
Naglani are quite tall, have a pale skin, dark hair (ranging from deep black to a rusty red), and dark eyes (either blue or green, sometimes brown). Although thin, they are strong and know how to cope with low temperatures.

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The Sudzi are the smallest humans in Daleth. They are a little fatter than others, and have only three fingers and a thumb on each hand. Their skin is pink to red, their hair can be blonde or brown, sometimes a very dark shade.

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Some say it is blasphemy to consider the Gods as a human race. However, there is many proof there once had been a civilization, much advanced, who could have been considered gods by less advanced civilizations. The four gods of the Poorters have human bodies, so they could have been humans.
Like the Giants, the race of the gods also disappeared from Daleth; just the religion stayed. Scientists think this race of gods might have become an astral race, living on another level of existence.

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The Giants, who build the huge castles and cities in the south of Daleth, weren’t giants after all. They were as big as an average human, had dark skins, black hair, and brown to golden eyes according to the paintings found in the ruins. They had a advanced civilization, but disappeared long ago. There isn’t much known about the Giants. Some think the Giants might have gone south, to the mouth of the river Wyth. There is a civilization here that resembles the Giants very well, only the houses have shrunken in size.

[See also 'Ujazim]
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The people of the Ainahawair know only one sex. They need no partner to reproduce. Although this is considered a good way of survival of the people, there are not many Ainahawair in Daleth anymore; it is expected there are about 100. When living with Poorters, they behave like men or women, just as they want to be. It is easy for them to change gender, but they hardly do for they want to keep the secret of their Ainahawair-ness. As they walk in the streets of any Poorters-city, no-one will notice anything strange about the Ainahawair. However, they live quit isolated private lives.

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Outside Daleth, many other people live. There are contacts with the people of Dernian Landis, who have a blue-ish skin and strange ways in an advanced but much defended culture. There are stories of hairy orange humans in Anthastahts. Some say human creatures live on the bottom of the sea...

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