
Daleth has officially two languages: the language of the Poorters -this Poorterian is the “standard” language- and the Naglani Tuggs, the ancient language that is used by both Naglani and Sudzi. The language of the Giants is a dead language, nobody speaks it, and only a few scientists can read the Giantian inscriptions.

Poorterian is spoken by over 95% of the people in Daleth. It has many dialects, and anybody can tell by the dialect from what region the speaker is. Scientists discovered that Poorterian has many roots, it is constructed from many other languages, and it is not unthinkable all these languages once came into Daleth through a Portal.
The variety in dialects and roots is best seen in the naming of settlements and places; for most Dalethians these names have lost their meaning. The same goes for the names of the individuals: names have no meaning in Daleth, or the meaning is long forgotten.

The Overveer dialect is so different from the Weslanan dialects, it sometimes is considered a different language. Espacially the scientists from the Altheizar University claim this, but it is obvious this has a political meaning as well.

Naglani Tuggs is spoken by almost 15% of the Dalethians - so circa 10% must be bi-lingual. The Naglani Tuggs is very old and very complete - it hasn’t interacted with Poorterian after this language came to Daleth. Tuggs is teached at all universities, and it is considered a scientific language. Many new devices and inventions get a name in Tuggs, like the Garatheins, plants, animals and minerals are usually named in Tuggs.
Tuggs uses a different kind of written characters, which are hard to read. Scientists use "normal" characters for Tuggs words.

[A song in Tuggs]

Giantian has strange, squarelike characters used for its inscriptions. It is impossible to tell how this language sounded. Scientists like professor Zuchstaba had searched for a sound for all their life, but only “came close” as they say.

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