Weird creatures

The creatures mentioned below have different origins, but they have nothing to do with religion. Some say ancient religions are the origin of the creatures, and others say they just came through the Portal, just like everyone. The truth is ... out there?

[Iron Dog]

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A nightly demon that brings nightmares of all kind and fever too. It feeds itself on the blood of a sleeper; the blood is sucked out with the sharp long tongue of the Albs. Someone who is pale in the morning might have been visited by an Albs; someone who is found dead without reason in bed is a victim of the Albs so it is said.
Humans and Albs can have children together, but the human partner doesn't know about the conception of the child. These children are ugly (somehow deformed) or evil or both. Long tongue, pale complexion, and a love for the night are the signs of these children. Albs-children are sometimes swapped with normal children, in the night, in bed. The human child is in that case eaten alive and no trace of it will ever be found.

To prevent an attack from an Albs, sliced ajuins will do. Strong smelling flowers might as well help. A mirror next to the bed will frighten the Albs away (it is frightened of its own ugly look). These things don’t have any effect on the Albs-children! They just have to be killed and buried upside down in a deep grave, near a river, but not in the water.

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A jet black monster that never can look into the sun. It looks like a shadow without a body, and is invisible in the dark. It can steal away your shadow but you won’t notice, because the skaduus will take its place. Others will notice, because people whose shadow is replaces by a skaduus behave different. One can have “the skaduus behind him/her” it is said.

Nothing helps against the skaduus. It is just there and you won’t know it. Some say blackened mirrors and glasses made of ember make the skaduus visible, but that is just folk-lore.

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“Ah, yeah, dragons, where have they gone?” the old man said, gazing at the crusty rocks of the mountains.
Dragons were once a familiar sight in Daleth, but now they’ve gone. The Black Mountains, the White Mountains, and even Mount Funins: the dragons left those places with silent paces or whispering wings. Have they gone to Anthastahts? Or did they enter a Portal, never to return to Airtha? The huge creatures that once ruled the desolate mountain tops, they left nothing but memories.
The dragon-tooth, shown in the Royal Museum in Ildritz, is a fake, so it turned out. The dragon-sword, worn by the Counts of Ciniz, has traces of a yet unknown substance, but it is doubtful if it is the metal-improving blood of the dragon from the White Mountains.

The Lair of the Blue Dragon
Against Dragon Hunt
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Molik The Molik is a creature that hides away in the wheat fields. It is a hideous thing that scares birds off, and little children (who are not allowed to walk through the fields) on which it feeds itself. The Molik is made of sheaves, and sometimes wears human clothing.
For a long time, it was thought the Molik was a legend to keep the kids from the fields, but it is discovered the Molik was in fact the husband of Gräins, Goddess of Fertility. Myths have it that Gräins left Molik because he had eaten her children. The same myth has it that Gräins killed her husband, but that he returned every year, as potent as ever, and married her again.
It is not unthinkable that in some isolated agricultural communities the people still believe in the god Molik and worship him in secrecy.
See also Subversive elements: "Cult of Molik"

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The Hallusmana is not alone, he is surrounded by a large family, Hallus-animals and Hallus-plants. The weird world of the Hallusmana was discovered not very long ago. The remains of the Hallusmana-man, along with wife and three children, was found in the Black Mountains. Nearby, their stone house was found, with two stone cows and many stone plants.
The Hallusmana is a human being made from stone, living in stone. So far, only dead examples were found, but of course it is possible some Hallusmana live hidden away in the Black Mountains, in the rocks where nobody can find them.

Especially miners are afraid of the Hallusmana. When they work their way through the layers of coal and minerals, they can stumble upon a Hallusmana any moment, and everyone knows stone is stronger than the human body.
In some miners villages, the Hallusmana walk around in the night, the squeaking of their stone limbs and the pounding of their heavy feet echoing through the streets. The day after, many things on the street are destroyed. But no one has ever seen the Hallusmana alive - it is much too dangerous to look at. And in some regions, the tale is told the Hallusmana can turn everyone into stone who looks in his soft burning, coal like eyes. To scare away the Hallusmana, stone worker tools are hung at the entrances of the village, and above the doors of the houses.

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The real mürq is just an insect. It’s about a span from head to tail and has frail wings to fly with. The wings are normally hidden under two shields. The mürq is green and brown. It has big facet eyes and a proboscis (kind of trunk) to suck the blood out of your body. The female mürq lays eggs under the skin of humans and some animals (horses, cows); you can get really sick from that or die if you are lucky. When the little mürq are born, they eat the flesh from the host.
The mürq originate from Dernian Landis, and always come in lots. They came to Daleth with the traders. They live and multiply only in the warmer regions, and die in winter (except for the eggs, they can survive the winter).
There are rumours of huge mürq in southern Salamandran, but their existence hasn’t yet been proved. They say the insects are up to a fathom from head to tail, some one is said to have brought the left wing shield to Ildritz, but while examining it, it has been destroyed.

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Ever since the technics of Daleth have evolved, the Eisargasts has seen an evolution. The creature -probably invisible, because no one has ever seen one - lives in or near technical objects (engines, automations, devices of all kind). The Eisargasts has a perfect ability to sabotage the device on a crucial moment. How this sabotage is done is unknown, but the device just doesn’t work anymore and is sometimes destroyed beyond recognition.

Some scientists think there is a thing as a “Good” Eisargasts. It repairs devices instead of destroying them, and usually this are devices that have never worked properly before. It is believed the “Good” Eisargasts drinks oil, a thing that doesn’t seem to apply to the normal Eisargasts.

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Iron Dog

The origins of the Iron Dog are unknown. The creature lives near Hveitsvar, and it is seen on very rare occasions. It is big and made of iron, and it makes an awful noise when it is approaching. It has big fury red eyes, and its skin is a shiny iron (with a few rusty spots).
It is impossible that such a creature can be alive, and some farmers claim it is a secret science project that has run wild. It destroys their crops and does nasty things to the animals around.

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The steamghost lives in the steam from the modern machines. It is hardly visible and there is not much to tell about the steamghost. It kills people, though, usually people who come too near to the steam engine.

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