Dutch Courage:The adventures of Mad Jack

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Interactive story
Fill in some questions and read a unique story, featuring YOU!

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Proud to present:

Mad Jack and the Beanstalk

featuring YOU!

How does it work?
Click on the title of the story above and answer the questions (the motto “A dirty mind is a joy forever” helps a lot here). Then read the story you produced.
NB: being a perfectionist I will try to optimise the coding, so future updates can be expected. The story will stay the same though.

What’s this?
“Mad Jack and the Beanstalk” is an interactive story working on JavaScript. You have to have JavaScript running on your PC to make it work. You are asked to answer a few questions in pop-up boxes. The script uses no cookies and runs entirely on your computer, you don’t have to be afraid: none of your answers will be saved or recorded anywhere and they will disappear from existence as soon as you close the window with the story.

What about the scripting?
The scripting is a very easy way to use JavaScript. It was a hell of a job to get it functioning though, because every typo leads to an empty screen, and a double space or a hard return counts as typo, too. Feel free to use the technique of the story, but please don’t copy the full code (including the story) without my permission which you only can get by asking.

Copyright of the story?
Here, here! But if your answers turned out to be extremely funny, you can put the story online and let it be read by your friends. A link back to will be appreciated.

Find some stories on AAA or at the Suicide Commando.

© Yaghish 2001-2004