Weather forecasting

The farmers and fishermen of Daleth use small rhymes to forecast the weather. They are not spells, but simple sentences to remember.

If Fon falls in a golden haze
We will have more bright days

If it is windy on the day of Gräins
Beware of the coming rains

When the waves turn to white,
Keep the harbour in safe sight!
(All along the coast)

When Fon rises in a fury red
You better stay in your bed

If the blue sky turns to grey
It’s the end of a sunny day
(White Mountains)

When the wolves howl in the wood
The winter doesn’t bring much good

If the clouds hang over Middagstop
It is bad for men but good for crop
(Black Mountains)

When Vindel kisses softly your cheek
The world will be white within a week
(Marez and Snaimore)

Cloudships from the West,
Time for cloak and vest
(Isauls and Skausric)

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