
In this glossary you can find some of the non-English words used on the site translated into English. Not all words can be properly translated, and I haven’t translated the more or less meaningless words.
Berg(en) Mounain(s)
Bos Forest
Dagreis One day travel
De The
Dood, dode Death
Droog, droge Dry
Duinen Dunes
Erflanden Heritage lands
Goud, gouden Gold
Groot, grote Large, big
Het The
Hoogvlakte Highlands
Koud, koude Cold
Meent Community Fields
Meer Lake
Meren Lakes
Moerassen Swamp, moor
Nieuw New
Noord North
Noorder Northern
Ruïne Ruin
Ster(ren) Star(s)
Stroom Stream, river
Van Of, from, belonging to
Veer Ferry
Veld(en) Field(s)
Wegwijzer “Directionpost”
Wijd(e) Wide
Wit, witte White
Zwart, zwarte Black

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* Actually, the "Dalethian" words are Dutch, but I did not want to translate them.
