
There are two important kinds of coal, and some less important ones.

The Nidwahauri is an important coal, that can be found plenty in the Haurrindal region. It burns very good and gets very hot if needed. The energy taken from it is higher than that from any other kind of coal.
Nidwa is sold for 5 Skatts per wagon at the consumer markets.
It has a rusty shine over it, making the coals almost brown, and contains some iron. Nidwahauri is popular in use in steam engines.

The other important one is the Ambrazhauri. It has a green to yellow shine over it, burns less economic as Nidwa and is thus a little cheaper for only 3 Skatts per wagon. Ambraz is mainly mined in the regions of Scholvan, Gronbrunlar and Ciniz.

Lolunhauri is only found in Sterrenbos, and is rather rare. It burns good and almost without smoke. It is very expensive at the cost of 7 Skatts per wagon. It has a bluish shine over it, nicknaming it the Blue Gold. Because its colour is so dark, it is hard to find in the mines.

The Geigohauri is a kind of coal that is found near gold. It is believed that Hallusmana gathered Geigo and gold for their own uses and put it away in the same safe places. Others believe that Geigo can turn into gold, because you never can find geigo without gold being near. It is most wanted, but rare and thus expensive. It is not sold on the markets, thus no standard price can be given. 7 to 10 Skatts per wagon may be paid on the black market - if anyone can manage to find that much.

A new developed kind of coal is the Aethereins. It is made out of Charcoal, Lulon and Ambraz in factories all over Daleth. The Aethereins is very dark, containing no aether as the name might suggest. The scientist who developed Aethereins claimed he found a way to get the aether out of the coal mixture, other say he is clever but the claim is nonsense. Its quality is combined with a low price: Aethereins is sold for only 2 Skatts per wagon on the markets.

Riureins is not coal, but close related. It is turf from very deep in the soil, so deep it has to be mined to get to. It smokes terrible when burned and does not give much heat. It is not very much wanted, but it is the only stuff the poor can afford to heat themselves.

The Hauristass is a mixture of leftovers of aforementioned kinds of coal, pressed into "brickets". The more Riureins in it, the cheaper. Some factories might cheat and put charcoal in it as well.

Letneins is not solid, but does fit in here. It is a liquid coal, as the manufacturers claim. It is oil, pressed or distilled out of the original coal. It can be used in lamps and small heaters. Because it can be transported in bottles and the lamps can be filled without the letnan being touched, it is cleaner in use than the buckets of coal. Costs are 2 Skilliggs per bottle.

The coal markets

Coal is sold on special coal markets. These are protected areas where fire has not much of a chance. The coal markets are usually outside the settlements. The coal changes owner here, but the buyers are not the consumers. The bought coal is taken into town in small doses, no more than a wagon at the time, to be sold at the doors of the consumers.
The coal seller in the town has to have a specially prepared cart for the transport, including a few buckets of water and wet blankets to prevent fire in the town.

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