
The wrutras, common in the Weslanan and De Erflanden, is a mammal that lives in the earth. A full grown female wrutras can reach a length of 2 feet, including the small tail. The male is a little smaller, but has a longer tail. Both have a fat furry skin, in colours ranging from black to chestnut and beige. The bare ears are small, the nose is long and a little trunk like. The paws are long and clawed, the legs short.

The young are born in a nest in the ground. The female has twice a year approximately ten young who are full grown in only three menoth. This can make the wrutras a plague in certain areas.

The wrutras lives in the earth where it can dig enormous labyrinths of tunnels that connect the nests. The creatures live in large families in these structures where each pair has its own nest. It the colony gets too large, a few wrutras will settle elsewhere. The wrutras are excellent swimmers.
They live on the roots, insects and spiders they find in their tunnels and they sometimes eat small fishes.

The skin and the meat of the wrutras are not wanted in the known world. The skin is too greasy to use, and the meat tastes “muddy”. The creatures are hunted by farmers, who see their crop disappear into the tunnels of the wrutras. Many farmers hate the wrutras. They tried a lot to get rid of them forever, but did not succeed. The wrutras are still the kings of the underworld.

In Ildritz, the word “wrutras” is not used to describe someone who is the king of the criminal underworld, but the persons who dig into the dirt, evidence and facts that are left behind by the criminal underworld - the private eyes, the detectives and more of that kind - in the eyes of the lawful citizen the true kings of the underworld, who will nail down the criminals.

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