

The wheatworm is a small creature of about a feet long (including the tail). It is a very furry snake with two paws right under its head. It can sit up on its tail and look around for dangers.
The beast is white to the colour of the wheat ears, with a dark stripe over its back. The eyes are black. They have five times a year young worms that are ripe to breed within a menoth. The worms come out of small eggs.
The kaurnwyrms lives in the fields of the Weslanan. It eats the wheats and can be a real plague. It climbs the plants using its mouth, its two paws and its tail. It eats the corns and can store more corns in its mouth that can expand.
It makes holes in the ground, where it stores the corns in enormous amounts. These holes are also the place where it hibernates.
The furry worm is a cute creature and can be tamed and kept in cages. The skin is sold for the fur, but it takes many worms to make a coat. The fur is usually used to decorate clothes.

The Kaurnwyrms is one of the animals associated with the evil god Molik in the Cult of Molik.

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