The Dream Dimension

Reader for the Study of Dimensional Physics
second semester (extract)

by Prof. M. Sc. M.I. Moywinkl
Altheizar University, 2105

As the snare theory puts it, the universe Alls gave us exists of minuscule particles called snares, that move in a yet unknown amount of dimensions. Some of these dimensions are known to us, as height, time, magnetism, and gravitation. Others are still nameless. Some move in each others range, and blur the borders of the dimensions.
These dimensions, you have to understand, are found within the known dimensions, and not in another universe, nor in another plain of existence.

One of these dimensions must be the dream dimension, as it is called. It is not exactly what dreams are made of, but more the explanation for our perception of the world.
Bound within the borders of the known world, the dream dimension is tangled in reality. It is always there, but we don't always notice. We can't notice, because, like time, it is immaterial, untouchable, invisible. But it is there.
This dimension exists of snares that move beyond the known dimensions, in a yet unknown phase, an unknown frequency set, an unknown direction. Together they form particles called iupa-eslep (Or ^E in scientific notation), that have the properties inherited by the snares.
It is possible that these iupa-esleps move in a certain way, that can be picked up by human senses. Of course, the particles move in a certain multidimensional direction, which makes it impossible to see them in the same way by another observer. That is what is meant by perception of the dream dimension, it is there, but nobody can see it in the same way, and many won't see it.

The human brain is capable of seeing visions of the dream dimension. That is the way hallucinations, illusions, visions and dreams come into existence. Some have the ability to see a lot of this dimension. In earlier times they were put in asylums to get cured of their twisted view of the world. Nowadays, they still have to be put away - after all it is hard living without filtering the dream dimension form the more known dimensions - you will see things that others don't, and what's more, react to them in a way that others don't understand.

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