
Aether in Daleth is made of alcoholic content, usually it is a matter without real substance. There is supposed to be natural aether too, but that cannot be used by men. Only cooled the aether can be transported, in small bars on ice. It melts at room temperature and evaporates quickly in lukewarm summer temperatures.
There are some hospitals who make aether to use during operations. There might be some mad scientists who produce it for their own crazy experiments. There are people who make it to drink and get overdrunk on it (and usually die doing so).

Frozen or liquid aether is used as a drug. It sends someone who inhales it into the dream dimension (or maybe the aether dimension). This relaxes the person like normal healthy sleep. The drug is used for those who are in great pains, or panicked, or otherwise out of control.

The evaporated aether can not be seen in the air. It is only visible when a thunderbolt sets it on fire - very high temperatures are needed to inflame the aether. This can be simulated with the Blitzermachine, that can set the aether on fire in a controlled experiment. This Blitzermachine has been used to do research on the Naglani metamorphosis; it is expected that Naglani enter a dimension generated by aether to make the transformation from human to bird, a kind of magic powered by aether. The experiments still don't have prove enough to get to real conclusions.

Aether can transmit light. Substances that don't contain as much aether as air, like water in a glass, transmit light in a different way. This explains how a ray of water bends the light from it's normal course. Other substances, like stone, don't contain aether at all, and light can't come through it.

A vacuum container must hold aether, otherwise the light wouldn't come through. On the other hand, the container is empty, vacuum. Scientists from Altheizar think the aether is partly moving in the dream dimension, and vacuum is only a state that is empty in some dimensions, but not the dream dimension. Thus, light can come through a vacuum space. This proves there is something like a dream dimension - maybe a special aether dimension.

Aether is in the air, but it can not be distilled from it. It is unknown how so many aether has gotten into the air, scientists guess it has to do with the creation of the world, as the gods separated the dream dimensions from the other dimension by wrapping it into the layers of reality. Aether might be a residue of the process, pollution of Daleth's atmosphere.

A scientific sect from Nieuw-Gamoor suggested that by disclosing the secrets of aether, it might be possible to fly. Fly in the air like the birds, and even higher, to the stars. The priests of the Four Gods who heard these ideas accused the scientists of blasphemy and the whole sect was hanged at a secret place and the gallows were burnt, afraid as the city council was for the sect to attract any disciples for their ideas. Other scientists were told the members of the sect had gone insane by inhaling too much aether and committed suicide as a result.

It is thought the amal-burns (along with some other plants, including the aelçim, which is used in Tuijon), that the Sudzi use to talk to their dead family members, contains a natural produced aether or at least a kind of it (it is not sure how may different kinds there are). This opens a door to the dream dimension, that makes the communication with the deceased possible.
Many official institutes believe the Keepers of Doravor in Ciniz produce their own aether to be used in their secret rituals. The University of Ciniz is one of the places where the aether experiments have astonishing results.

It is not unthinkable the Dernian Rays show concentrations of aether, or maybe even "dark aether", the counter substance of aether.

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