Liufs Sware

A play with music by an anonymous writer, around 1810

The play Liufs Sware has a very traditional story of love and lost. Act 1 starts with a young lady, prepairing to get married. She sings about her love for her husband to be, and dances for joy. Suddenly, her father comes in and tells her the wedding is off, for her lover has to fight in the war. The lover leaves the castle in full armour, heading for the war.
In Act 2, a messenger comes at the castle and tells the young lady her husband-to-be is missing. In despair, the lady runs off to a witch to ask if her lover is still alive. The witch tells her he is still alive, but it is doubtfull if she will ever see her lover again. The lady thinks about the words of the witch and mourns a lot in beautiful laments.
In the final act, the lady heads to the front of the war, and walks through the fields of death, looking for her lover. When she finally finds him, he is severely hurt, and dying. As they whisper their goodbyes, the cloak of death falls over them, and the young lady and her lover die in each others arms, the lady of a broken heart.

The best performance of the play was in 1826 in Ildritz, performed by
  • Grania Berstô as the Witch
  • Juive Karrang as the Young Lady
  • Deemoed iz-Solmer as the Lover
  • Heklan Ver as the Father
  • The Ildritz Imperial Orchestra

Juive in the play Liufs Sware

Juive in the play Liufs Sware

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