Black Roses

The Black Rose is a plant that only grows in Ciniz. There are two variations on this plant: the Wild Black Rose and the Black Garden Rose.

The Wild Black Rose

The wild variation of the Black Rose grows free in the nature of Ciniz. Most plants can be found on the southern hangs of the Ciniz valley, but the plants are rare. The rose has short thorns and black flowers. The flowers can have shades of blue or red in sunlight. The berries are used to make marmelade.
Since this variety only grows in Ciniz, the Counts of Ciniz made this plant to their personal sign. The Black Rose is seen in the coat of arms of the House of Ciniz. If one is offered a black rose, it is a sign of love and/or protection from (a member of) the House.

The Black Garden Rose

The garden variation of the Black Rose has longer and sharper thorns and comes only with a red sunlight shade. The plant has been grown over the centuries by the Keepers of Doravor and from their gardens it has spread over Daleth. The market price for the Black Garden Rose is very high and the plant is not common.
The Keepers of Doravor have made hedges of this plant to protect their premises. The rose also shows up on the bottles of Ciniz wine, produced by the Keepers.

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