Myths of the Elemental Religion

The creation

In a place where there wis1 no time, and in a time when place dis2 not exist, the origins of All were born.

In the timeless emptiness a harmonic sound like beautiful music blossomed and grew from a vibration, and the sound became louder and the vibrations of it grew. This song of birth, the scream of the beginnings, went anywhere without being heard, for there was no one that had ears yet. It went and vibrated in many directions, more than anyone can see, but then, there were no eyes that could see yet. The place without time and the time in nowhere started vibrating and shaking and trembling, and then All was born from the snares of space. And All was powerful and All was wonderful and All was everything and everywhere.

But all that was, was caught in the heavy vibrations and was torn apart in many pieces. The pieces blew to smithereens in the nothingness and stuck together in certain places, stuck together to form the places themselves. The pieces floated in space as splinters, and particles, and elements. Some pieces stuck together and became the gods, the four gods of creation.
There was Phyarx, the god of the light and the fire, that made the first day, and there was Vindel, the god of the air and the wind, who made the heavens and the sky, and there was Gräins, the god of earth and life, who made Airtha and the plants and the animals on it, and there was Aaser, god of water and weather, who formed the oceans and the rivers.

And finally, the four gods decided to get their powers together and form the best creation they had ever made. They made the humans. They made the people that inhabited Airtha a long, long time ago. And they gave every human a part of All, a splinter, that made them think and live and be sensitive. And these humans inhabited Airtha and took care of her, and then the gods said to one another: "Look at the humans, they are doing well. We will grant every human on Airtha a splinter at birth. Let that be our last gift to this worlds creation." And so they did. And then they looked to Airtha, and said: "We have finished our creation. But now, we have to watch it and take care of it. We have to see that the vibrations of the beginnings will fade away into eternity and endings, so that all can be one once more."

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The coming of the evil gods

Not long after the creation of the gods, the vibrations of the beginning reached the outer limits, and echoed back in a woeful noise. The sound of the echo grew louder on its way back through nothingness. And on its way, it destroyed and disturbed many smithereens of all. And finally it reached the gods, who gazed on their Airtha and did not notice the echo coming. But when they heard the sound of destruction, they protected their Airtha against the echo with their bodies, for Airtha was worth more than the lifes of the gods.
The echo tore the gods apart and they split in two, all of them met their twin.

There was Nox, the twin sister of Phyarx, goddess of darkness and cold. She fights every day with her brother and her time of day is the night, where Phyarx rules over the light of day. And she is the Queen of Winter. But one day, when all splinters will form All once more and will brighten up the skies, Nox will be defeated and the echo of her existence will fade out.
There was Molik, the twin brother to Gräins, god of harvest and labour, who married his sister. Gräins killed him, but he was reborn as her son, and married her each year again, and was killed again each year. One day the echo of his fertility will fade out and there will be no more killing.
There was Trigo, the twin sister to Aaser, goddess of illnesses, who put her power into her brother, and spoiled the water. Aaser is still working to pure the water of the ocean, and when he is ready, all water will be sweetened instead of salted, and some water will be turned in honey, wine and milk to feed All, so All can be strong once more and illnesses will be no more.
There was Vaya-Marei , the twin to Vindel, who brings the gossip and the lie. Vaya-Marei twists and turns and brings with the lies the uncertainty, and silence was killed with this power. Vaya-Marei tells evil of the other gods, and cheats, and is not to be trusted. Only when the evil words echo back to truth and into the one sound of the beginnings, All will be one again.

Times were hard when the four evil gods lived. The world was harsh and full with illnesses, and the lands refused to bend to the will of the humans. People and animals were scared and hid from the gods. There was much grieve and mourning.
The world was full of battle between the good and the evil gods.

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How the evil gods were defeated

In those times, a human stood up against all gods. “Please,” he said, “Why are the gods there at all? You do nothing but fight. And look at our world, it is torn and twisted, the land is barren and there is nothing that flourishes. There is no joy, there is no happiness. Why do we live in these times? Why are you saying to be gods if you neglect us like this?”
And the gods looked down on him in bewilderment. The four evil gods started laughing at his tears of despair.
Trigo send him blindness, but the man called out again to the gods. “Why have you made Airtha if you leave it like this? This world is dying, why don’t you do something about it? Even if I can not see it, I can smell the decay of your creation.”
Vaya-Marei whispered lies in his ears, but the man stood up again. “Let us die, so no one will believe in you any more. We are losing our faith as quick as the spring looses its white gown. When no one believes in you, you will loose your powers. So do as you please. Die with us.”
Nox made his heart cold, but the man kept his powers and his dreams. “I do not believe that you are gods. You have not even the power to keep this world alive, you do not even have the power to keep your offspring alive.”
Hearing those words, Molik killed the man.
“That was not necessary,” Gräins said, and she buried the body of the man with all the love she could give. “And in a way, he was right. Look at my earth, nothing grows on it. And look on my beings, they do not bare children. It is a hideous world we have made.”
“It was a bright, good and wonderful world until they came,” said Phyarx, and he sent a thunderbolt towards his sister and her evil companions.
And so the war between the gods of good and evil started.

The heavens shook and the sky spitted fire. The earth trembled and was torn. Melted metal came from the inner body of the world, and oceans boiled and flooded the lands. It was dark for many days as Nox fought her brother.
Woods and fields were destroyed, mountains collapsed and rivers ran wild. Continents drifted in the oceans, and islands drowned. Lakes dried up and snow drifted into deserts. The war lasted for days and days, and all that time, the humans and animals that survived the war, hid themselves in caves and places they thought safe.

On a morning, Phyarx defeated his sister, and in the light of that day, everyone could see how much the world has changed. But Nox was his sister, and Phyarx remembered her with pain in his body, because once, they were one. And each time he rested, he let her darkness down on the world, to remember himself of his evil side.
One spring, Gräins killed Molik, and his blood spread in a desert and nothing will ever grow there. But once they were one, and Gräins kept the memory of her evil twin brother alive each winter, when the life dies, and she weeps every time over his dead when she has to kill.
Aaser pushed his twin Trigo into the sea, drowned her with pain in his heart. Each day, he lets her come back twice, and flush her sorrow on the shores, for once they were one and Aaser can not forget that.
Vindel cried and the cries turned into painful howls and screams, suffocating the lies of Vaya-Marei. But in some storms, the lies can still be heard, for Vindels wants to hear Vaya-Marei once in a while, for once their body was one.

And this is how the world still is. Only good is left, but every now and then the evil comes to behold the memory of ancient times.

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