Atlas of Daleth

The oldest maps of Daleth were found in the ruins near the already ancient and ruined town of Qryathorbot. The map was carved into stone and showed roads and places of a very different shaped world. Some scientists claim the ancient clay map is a fake, drawn by some kids who played in Qryathorbot. Others state it shows Airtha as it was before it was hit by some enormous objects from the sky. Indeed, some features of the map can be interpreted as still known places on Airtha. Another group of scientists will tell you the map came through a portal and shows the map of a really different, and unknown world. Who will prove to be right? The mystery lingers on and on, and the scientists keep quarrelling about it.

The Giants left no maps, though they made the Wegwijzer. This object shows the geographic skill of the Giants. It is assumed there were more Wegwijzers in Daleth at the time of the Giants, but all but one have disappeared, like the Giants and their cities.

Big mapping projects started as the United Empires needed maps for military activities, and to calculate taxes for the lands the Emperor gave in loan to his men. The empires were mapped back and forth, inside and outside, and every city was mapped as well. Many of these maps have gone lost, but some are still in use in the Imperial Library at Ildritz. Most maps however, are still under military secrecy.

With the exploration of unknown lands, treasure-maps and the like were produced by many adventurers. These maps show up every now and then, sometimes they are real old maps, but usually they are fakes (see the fantasized map of Trigohaima). Beautiful maps of exotic lands are sold in narrow alleys and obscure market stalls, and the brave traveller will discover there is no land on the marked place.
The Art of Mapping has grown big in Ildritzer salons. A map is considered a piece of Art, and the decorations on it are more valuable than the actual reality shown on it. Some poets make up stories about the fantasised maps.

Not very long ago, the University of Ciniz started a huge mapping project, designed to map all known lands, starting with Daleth. The mapping of the cities and settlements is involved in the project. The scientists of the University designed measure-devices to calculate the size of the world and the lands, the height of mountains, and the depths of lakes and the sea itself.
This mapping project hasn’t finished yet.

Some samples of the maps mentioned above are shown on the map-site.

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